Engineering Education


Squalli Houssaini, M., Aboutajeddine, A., Toughrai, I., & Ibrahimi, A. (2024). Development of a design course for medical curriculum: Using design thinking as an instructional design method empowered by constructive alignment and generative AI. Thinking Skills and Creativity. Volume 52.

Houssaini, M.S., Aboutajeddine, A., & Toughrai, I. (2023). Development of a Data-Centric Design Thinking Process for Innovative Care Delivery. HERD, Health Environments Research & Design Journal. doi:10.1177/19375867231215071

Akerdad, M., Aboutajeddine, A. & Elmajdoubi, (2023).  M. Development of a redesign process based on reverse engineering and patent circumvention. Int J Interact Des Manuf 17, 261–277

-Akerdad, M., Aboutajeddine, A., and Elmajdoubi, M., Development of an authentic concept of engineering activities based on product redesign, Comput. Appl. Eng. Educ. (2022), 1– 17.

-Aboutajedyne, I., & Jordan, S., & Aboutajeddine, A. (2022, August), Work in progress: Using Community-Based Participatory Design and a Context Canvas to design engineering design courses. Paper presented at 2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Minneapolis, MN. 

-Akerdad, M., Aboutajeddine, A. & Elmajdoubi, M. Reverse engineering canvas (REC): a visual tool for supporting reverse engineering activities. Int J Interact Des Manuf 15, 249–257 (2021). 

-Aboutajedyne, I., & Alj, Y. S., & Aboutajeddine, A. (2021, July), A Context-centered Visual Tool for the Design of Engineering Education Solutions, Paper presented at 2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access, Virtual Conference.

-Aboutajedyne, I, Aboutajeddine, A, & Alj, Y. S. EFFECTIVE INITIATION TO CDIO FRAMEWORK USING DESIGN-THINKING: The D-I-C-O PROCESS. Proceedings of the 17th International CDIO Conference, hosted online by Chulalongkorn University & Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi, Bangkok, Thailand, June 21-23, 2021.

-I. Aboutajedyne, M. S. Houssaini, A. Aboutajeddine, Y. S. Alj and M. el Mohajir, "A design model for the development of non-traditional educational activities," 2020 6th IEEE Congress on Information Science and Technology (CiSt), 2020, pp. 242-247, doi: 10.1109/CiSt49399.2021.9357317.

-Akerdad, M., Aboutajeddine, A., El Majdoubi, M. (2020) Product Development Process Based on Open Technologies. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, pp. 524–532

-Akerdad, M., Aboutajeddine, A., Elmajdoubi, M. (2020). Supporting product development activities by reverse engineering technique. Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, USA.

-Aboutajedyne, I., Aboutajeddine, A., Alj, Y.S. Designing a hybrid course for undergraduate engineering education. Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, USA, 2020

-M. Akerdad, A. Aboutajeddine, Et M. Elmajdoubi « A proposed canvas for reverse engineering activities» CPI2019 International conference on integrated design and production, October 14-16, 2019.

-I. Aboutajedyne, A.Aboutajeddine and Y.Salih Alj, Development of a design process for educators in engineering, CPI2019 International conference on integrated design and production, October 14-16, 2019.

-I. Aboutajedyne, A.Aboutajeddine and Y.Salih Alj , Development of an innovation competency based approach in engineering, Innov’EnsSup’19 “l’innovation pédagogique dans l’enseignement Supérieur à l’ère du digital”, February 28, 2019.

-M. Akerdad, A. Aboutajeddine, Et M. Elmajdoubi,« New logic of innovative Product development based on open hardware » Afro-Mediterranean Conference on Multidisciplinary Research & Application (RMA 2018).

-M. Akerdad, A. Aboutajeddine, Et M. Elmajdoubi, « Product development process based on open technologies ». La Conférence Internationale Technologie, Innovation & Système d’Information (CITISI 2018).

-M. Akerdad, A. Aboutajeddine, Et M. Elmajdoubi, « Toward a development approch for product design process tailored to company context » Congrès International de Modélisation et Optimisation des Systèmes Mécaniques (CIMOSM’2017)

-J.Kojmane, A.Aboutajeddine. March 2016.” Strengthening engineering design skills of first-year university students under resources constraints”. International journal of mechanical engineering education, Vol. 44(2) 148–164, doi: 10.1177/0306419016641006.

-J.Kojmane, A.Aboutajeddine, March 2016,”Enjoyeering Junior: A hands-on activity to enhance technological learning in an engineering dynamics course”. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Technology for organizations development, Fez, IEEEXplore library

-J.Kojmane, A.Aboutajeddine, A hands-on robotic project for enhancing innovation capabilities of engineering students », Proceedings of Mediterranean Conference on Information & Communication Technologies, May 2015, Saidia.

-J.Kojmane, A.Aboutajeddine, «  Un projet majeur de conception et développement de produits pour l’amélioration de la capacité de conception des élèves ingénieurs », Proceedings du  Congrès International du Génie Industriel et Management des Systèmes, Mai 2015, Fès.

-J.Kojmane, A.Aboutajeddine, « Conception et implémentation d’un projet basé sur la robotique pour l’introduction des élèves-ingénieurs à la conception et développement produits », 1ère école d’été  en Expérimentation assistée par ordinateur (EXAO), Mai 2015, Rabat.

-J.Kojmane, A.Aboutajeddine, « Conception et implémentation d’un projet basé sur la robotique pour l’introduction des étudiants du 1er cycle à l’ingénierie et l’innovation », 1ère école d’été  en Expérimentation assistée par ordinateur (EXAO), Mai 2015, Rabat.

-J.Kojmane, A.Aboutajeddine, « Enhancing engineering design skills of engineering students», Colloque international pluridisciplinaire des doctorants, Mars 2015, Tetouan.

-J.Kojmane, A.Aboutajeddine, « Enjoyeering Senior: Un projet de conception et développement de produits innovants pour les élèves-ingénieurs », Congrès Conception et Production Intégrés, Décembre 2015, Tanger.

-J.Kojmane, A.Aboutajeddine, « Développement de la capacité d’innovation des étudiants ingénieurs », 1er Forum des Doctorants du pôle Technologie de l'Information et de Communication, Systèmes et Modélisation (TICSM), Décembre 2015, Fès.

-J.Kojmane, A.Aboutajeddine, « Mindstorms based engineering », Proceedings of International conference of engineering education research”, July 2013, Marrakech.